Monday, 31 August 2015


She was young
She was pretty
She would smile and be bubbly
She loved her life
She loved her work


she was uprooted from all the joy to complete melancholy
She was objectified
She was checked out
She was made to feel insecure
She was made to feel weak
She was made to feel vulnerable
She was broken down
She was raped
By those hedious monsters of society

She but was she
She was strong
She was capable to overcome those insecurities
She built herself up again piece by piece
And joint herself to a new she
Who was not as bubbly or smiling, but still had a beating heart and would breathe

Saturday, 15 August 2015

From Believing To Trusting

Believing: to trust something without certainty.

When we first meet a person we believe what they say, we have no absolute certainty about their words.
When we get a new idea or when we start a new task we believe in ourselves to be able to complete it even here we are not sure.
It takes time to convert the belief into trust. And between these two things lies hope.
We hope that what we believe to be true so that the belief can be transformed into trust.
We also fear what we believe is not false because that can be saddening.
We gain trust in ourselves we are humans and we have a tendency to doubt and question and we question ourselves the most.
We question our belief, we question our hope, we question our boldness and then we fear for the consequences.
And once we have done all that we sit and wait for the outcome and if the outcome is in our favour then the belief turns into
And that's the sweetest thing of all to be able to trust someone, something and to trust yourself above all.

But it can be the other way round, what we believe in can be faux, and the outcome; well not so pleasant as we expect it to be and that is saddening. If this happens we stop trusting anyone and we reach back to square one. This time more experienced, more cautious.

But does that help or our hearts rules out our brains ??